Friday, March 18, 2005

Let's Just Kill Them All

I'm very confused about this case going on in Florida. The woman, Terri Schiavo, who has brain damage and her ex-husband is trying to kill her. I do get it when someone is brain dead and they are comatose, totally no chance of recovery. I'd want what's left of me to be taken off the machines too. But I've seen Terri on video and she isn't brain dead. She's responsive to people and semi-active.

To me, there is a huge difference between brain damaged and brain dead. Terri is not brain dead. Plus, why does an ex-husband have the right to decide her fate? Maybe I need to investigate the story more to understand that point, but the woman isn't a vege, so where is the issue?

Can you imagine how she will react when the feeding tubes are removed? (Assuming they will be.) To starve someone to death really stinks. Starvation and dehydration are quite unpleasant and Terri will feel it. How can people actually think there is something to debate here? I'm confused.

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