Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Some Dumb-Asses Do Get What They Deserve

When the last hurricane went through our area, it spawned a couple tornadoes. One of them pretty near my house. That's not something I care to see again. Obviously, some damage was done. Not to the extent of other areas of the country, but enough.
As you can expect, the folks that suffered damage and loss earned the sympathy and help of everyone around.

One home in particular, located in Frederick county, that had suffered some damage was in the midst of being repaired when the workers discovered something unexpected. The owner of that home had a significant collection of kiddie porn. Some dated as far back as the late seventies. The local D.A. said it's the largest collection he's ever seen.

Now as sick as the whole idea is, (just the thought makes me cringe!) the dumb-ass owner left the stuff laying around where the workers easily found it and reported it to the police. Now, it's bad enough to have that crap. Worse to be so into it that it obviously was a life-long disgusting habit, but to be so stupid as to let it out in the open where it will be easily found by someone you know is going through the house unrestricted? Geez! What an idiot.

From the sound of the latest report, this goober will probably get 90+ years. He's old enough to die in jail. I hope so. From reports you hear, long time inmates are pretty abusive to people like this guy. Some weird code they have about not tolerating any abuse of kids. Sounds like he's in for quite a ride, literally. For this one time, maybe one loser will get what he deserves.

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