Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I Wanna Puke.

This is what I think of the Yankees talking to Princess Pedro. Can't they see he's just trying to drive up his price anyway? He needs to go to a NL team so someone can pop him with a fastball the way he does it to others when he gets pissy.

I couldn't stand it when the Yankees signed Clemens. Worse, when they signed Benitez. Now this threat?

Screw you Pedro. Stay with the piss-ants in beantown.


Anonymous said...

I guess you'll have to find a new team, right? R-man

Yankeebob said...

Sorry Veronica. I get carried away sometimes and forget that not everyone knows some of the terms I use.

Beantown is Boston. (I've mentioned my thoughts on that place many times.) I didn't make it up though. It's a common name for Boston.

MomMega: said...

HAHAHA! I have to laugh because I bought an airfreshner that looks just like that picture for my mom to hang in her car...but in her case it is supposed to be in reference to her driving! Hee...

If it makes you feel any better, when the BoSox were staying at my hotel, our Director of Security wouldn't let Pedro in because he thought he was a fan! HA!