Wednesday, January 05, 2005

All Good Things…..

…must come to an end. Don’t you hate that saying? I do, mostly because it always comes true. No matter how good a situation is or how much you really like it, it ends somehow. It evolves, another person alters it some way or it just gets screwed up.

For instance, this job. It’s OK. I really have no complaints. But it’s not as good as one I had a few years ago. I worked at a place where there was more work, many more challenges and where I felt like I was part of something special. I always swore I’d retire from that place.

Then the corporate big wigs found a way to line their pockets, sold the company to a big corporation and the whole dynamic changed. It quickly went from being someplace I loved to go be to being a nightmare for anyone who worked there. Now I’m here. Monetarily better, but from a personally fulfilling standpoint, a big step down.

A few years ago I was part of a group of friends that resembled the group on the show ‘Friends’. We were always together, doing anything, being there for each other. The whole 9 yards. The weekends were just assumed that we would be somewhere together. It was an exceptionally comfortable lifestyle. But of course, it changed.

We are mostly all friends still. Life has separated us a bit. Some of us are literally separated, either divorced or working on a divorce. Some of us have moved miles away. Mostly we keep in touch. But I miss the days of knowing there was always a place to be where I was welcome. Always someone ready to …just be. The days are a bit more lonely now. It just doesn’t seem right.

I guess these changes are natural. Part of the evolution of life. Probably I should just be able to accept how things go and move on. But that’s tough when there are places in your past that were much more rewarding than where you are in the present. Kind of like the old saying, “You’ll never forget your first love, and you’ll never love like that again.” Sometimes the present pales in comparison to the past. This doesn't mean the future will suck. It may end up better than anything else has been. I just think it's a bummer sometimes. Maybe it’s accepting the mindset that things must change that allows us to go ahead and change our lives even when we know that probably it’s a mistake? It just seems like, if something is good, it shouldn’t have to change.

So, all good things must come to an end? I think that’s a load of crap. At least this morning I do. Later today, who knows?


Me said...

Instead of "All good things come to an end" how about "All good things must change and revolve"


Yankeebob said...

Ok Meritt, I guess I can understand that.

peachy said...

I know exactly what you mean. Um..I'll leave it at that.

JK said...

Hey Bob,

Cheer up. I work for a large corporation too. I'm not a big fan either. I have accepted the fact that some days are better than others. There are times when I would like to just say "fuck it" and leave. I know that that feeling will subside and things are going to get better. Everything flows in peaks and valleys and you are just in a valley right now. Things have to get better...... maybe when baseball season starts again.

Take it easy Bob.

Leena said...

I always go by this saying:
"Everything that happened, it happened for good. Anything that didn't happen, well it didn't happen for good."

grace said...

i'm hoping not all good things come to an end...

i know that it's not necessarily just good things that come to an end, i mean... don't bad things come to an end, as well?

Yankeebob said...

Hey Jermey, that's something to look forward to, baseball season starting again. Good call.

Hi Leena. Thanks for stopping by. your comment made me stop and think for a bit.

Grace, good point. All the bad stuff has to end too, hopefully.

J, I wish that were true all the time, but it is a lot of the time.

I guess I was missing some people this morning. I'm out of the melancholy now. Thanks for all the positive comments.

Cindy-Lou said...

I was missing my old friends recently too, until I decided they just suck. Now I'm happy with my newer friends. They're more fun anyhow.

a beer sort of girl said...

I totally understand your mood this morning. I've been there; we all have. The thing I try to focus on is what it is about my life today that seems so gray, when compared to way back when. Sometimes it's b/c I've romanticized a past situation to a point that it seems better now than it was, and sometimes it's just that there is a situation in my current life that needs to be resolved. New changes need to be made to keep the ball rolling up hill, not back.

SJ said...

I know how you feel, Bob, I have gone through that. And still do, if I'm being honest. If we are unhappy or unfulfilled with our lives, it is natural to look back at better times and wish things were like that again. But by doing so we are ignoring the potential of the future. Like you said, it might not get any better - but it might too. We can never tell. And sometimes the realisation that things suck is just the shove we need to try to make things better...

Munch said...

At the end of everything is a beginning to something else. I promise!