Friday, January 28, 2005

Stupidity, Stupidity, Irritation, Insult

Those 4 words describe my ordeal with trying to get a 'simple repair' done at the dealership where I bought my new car in September. (See this post for details from the last visit.)

This trip today is #4. There will be a #5 since they had to keep it this time. (They are replacing the lower dash parts that they destroyed during the last visit.)

I got there early and they took it in right away. The Mr. Service signed it in and told me it would take maye 45 minutes to an hour and I'd be on my way. OK, I was prepared for that anyway. So I sit as far away from the crowd as possible and read my book for maybe 1/2 hour when Mr. Service shows up. It was like he popped in from out of no where. All of a sudden, he was just there. Bad news of course. He had miscalculated. The job was going to take 5-6 hours. He would get me a loaner car if I didn't want to wait that long.

Of course I wasn't waiting that long. This is more time from work that I could be using for fun stuff, so I went with him to take care of the loaner.

As he writes up the paperwork, he marks in big letters at the top "UPGRADE". He tells me that for all the trouble I've had he's upgrading my loaner to a bigger luxury car. "Something nice to drive around until my car was done" he said. That was cool. I kind of liked the idea of checking out something fancy.

So I get to the loaner car area and the guy there grabs the paperwork and immediately starts up a mini-cheapo car and begins writing the info on the forms. I just smile. Even though I'd prefer to check out something like Mr. Service described, I just want to get to work.

He looks at me and asks "What?" after seeing me smiling.
I just say, "This is your idea of an upgrade?"
Him: "Upgrade?" Looks at forms again. "Oh, I didn't notice that on the paperwork, Sorry."
(Maybe the wirting was too big?)
He looks around at a line of bigger, fancy looking cars, walks toward one and then turns to me and says, "Well, who's is paying for this upgrade, you or the dealership?"
Me: "What difference does that make?"
Him: "Well, I gotta know."
Me: "The dealership. It's a loaner, like the forms say."
Him: (Now looking at a different row of the same type of car he was already getting ready to give me) "OK, we'll get you something nicer."
Me: "Those are the same model. There's no difference but a sunroof."
Him: "Those are considered upgrades from this one."
Me: "It's 9 degrees outside. What do I need a sunroof for? Just give me the form and I'll get going."
Him: "No, I'll get you the upgrade. It's OK."
Me: (Taking the form and getting into the 'downgrade') "Forget it. Just let me out of this place."

So now on top of the first 2 visits where they couldn't even get the parts ordered right (stupidity, stupidity), the 3rd visit where they broke more than they fixed (severe irritation) I have been insulted by a chump who didn't think I deserved the loaner car that Mr. Service wanted me to try out. It wasn't my idea for the fancy car. Plus, I didn't really care. I just wanted to stop wasting time and get to work.

These guys really shouldn't be in the service business.


Lars said...

That's a load of SHIT! Man, you are just getting the run around aren't you? I would be as insulted and irritated as you, probably more, but that's just my nature. Be pissed but never do anything about it, that's me! :-)

grace said...

oh, man i would've been PISSED!

poor thing... you really need to get something out of them... rat freakin' bastards.

JK said...

Bob, they are taking you the cleaners on this. I know that you aren't paying for the repairs, but they sure are wasting your time.

This situation is so bad, "I" feel bad that the service people are so incompetant.