Monday, January 03, 2005

A Night Of 'Foot In Mouth Disease'

It’s been an interesting evening. Earlier I was taking out the garbage like a good little man of the house and I had stacked 2 bags near the front steps. As I was walking past the 2 stacked bags, one rolled off and stopped against this little brick fence thing our neighbors have piled around their front garden. I say piled because that’s all they did, pile/stack the bricks around the garden. If you accidentally hit your foot against it, the bricks move. Plus they are just these ugly cinder block colored bricks. They look terrible, like the beginning of a construction site or something.

Anyway, as I was returning for the runaway garbage, I see the neighbor leaning way over the railing looking down at the beautiful brick masterpiece with the bag against it. I guess she thought I had moved something out of place. As I got near and went to get the bag, she said, “I was just checking to see if any bricks had moved.” As I looked up, I heard this voice coming from somewhere. It sounded just like me, but I knew it couldn’t be me. It was saying, “Aww, quit your crying. It didn’t hurt your ugly brick wall.”

I just stood there after the words had faded away, knowing it wasn’t me that just said that. I know because I didn’t have any thoughts in my brain when those sounds came out. None. My mind was blank. But when I looked around, I didn’t see anyone else. Oh boy.

We just stood there for a while, saying nothing, looking right at each other. Funny how just a few seconds of dead silence can seem like hours when all you want to do is be anywhere but where you are at that moment. It was excruciating. She didn’t say a word and turned and went inside. I just stood there for a few more seconds, still hoping someone would show up with a voice like mine and tell me they had said that.

A little later I’m inside, unwinding with a grilled cheese and some tomato soup when Nicci shows me the cover of this magazine. It was a swimsuit magazine and on the cover was a very good looking woman in a nice suit, all lotioned up sitting and glistening in the sun. Nicci says, “That’s me this summer. Do you think I’ll look that good in that suit?”

Now this is one of those questions that guys are supposed to be ready for. We should already have our answer ready, no hesitation, no matter what we think the answer should be. We should always have several ready-made responses rehearsed so we don’t screw up by either saying the wrong thing or not reacting the right way. We, as professionals, owe this to our women. But I just had the aforementioned incident with ‘foot in mouth disease’, so I hesitated. Then I looked closer at the picture. Strike 2. Then the voice came again, from somewhere, and it sounded just like me. It didn't answer her question. It didn't have anything complementary or supportive to say. All it said was “Will you be that shiny too?”

Here I was again, the seconds ticking away, seeming like hours, and the blank stare from yet another woman. I had a looong few seconds to realize that my brain and my mouth were not working as a team tonight. I slowly extricated myself from the latest predicament and have been hiding in my basement Fortress of Solitude since. Me and my Seinfeld DVDs, a cold Cherry Pepsi and a cat that doesn’t care what I say. I’m staying here until everyone in the world is in bed and I can safely crash, without any further interaction.

Some nights it just doesn’t pay to open your mouth.


cat said...

oh, bob! i feel horrible but i can't help laughing so hard! i even read this post to my shawn. i nearly stopped breathing with the "ugly brick wall" comment. that one was priceless!

*wipes tears from eyes*

thank you for that post. after the evening i have had i really really needed it.

SJ said...

The comment to the neighbour was great! But Bob, Bob, Bob! (*Shakes head and sighs*) Didn't you receive the Book of Standard Answers that men get in the mail every time they get together with a girl...?

Munch said...

I am so sorry but I am laughing my big ole booty off right now!!

That was such a funny story. I had tears when you said you were waiting silently for someone to come around the corner and you would be relieved that they said it...

Summer said...

Ouch, YB, I can't believe you said that about the swimsuit. Dude, you'll be making up for that mistake for a looooong time!

Jody said...

Bawawahahaha! Ugly wall! Fabulous!

Nicci didn't boot your a$$ down those stairs? But, more importantly, will she be shiny? :)

grace said...

oy vey. i see lots o' asskissing in your future....

but, yeah. it's totally a no-win sitch. girls really shouldn't do this... but sometimes, it's nice to hear the boy say, "awww, honey, you look better than that girl! you know they just airbrush her, anyway!" ... even if you know he's lying, it still feels good to hear...

Yankeebob said...

I'm glad you all were entertained. Even this morning I'm wondering where my senses went last night. I'm kinda worried about seeing my neighbor tonight. She really is a nice person and I do like her, but I gotta wonder about the future relationship now.

Ian, I never received 'the Book of Standard Answers'. Where do I find that? I think I'll need it from now on.

Yeah Egg-He, I felt the pressure immediately when she asked me that. I knew I was in trouble.

Ladies, I'm working on that flowers idea. Thanks for the tip. Nicci wasn't too bad this morning. And no Jody, I hurried downstairs by myself as fast as I could.

That woman on the cover was really shined up with oil or something. Shiny things attract attention.

Cindy-Lou said...

I think I'm married to you.

Yankeebob said...

CL, Does that mean you wanna be? I'm getting excited here.

Doug H said...

Bob, the only correct answer when your wife asks about skimpy attire is: "I won't know until we go to the store and you model them all for me." She gets to go shopping, you get to see her in skimpy clothes. It's a win-win situation.

Another acceptable answer is: "Her plastic surgery didn't go very well did it?" Then point to a mole, scar or even a crease in the paper as proof. :-)

Yankeebob said...

Gee Doug, that's some good stuff. I'll remember those ideas.

Aren't you afraid that Jody will read your secrets here?

Just Me said...

That could be me on so many days

Oddgirl said...

At least you had a downstairs to run to. I have done things like that before. I usually go sit in our walk-in closet and read.

I just hate it when your brain and mouth aren't on the same page...

Doug H said...

Bob, I am truly blessed. With Jody I can say, "I think she has nice breasts" to which Jody would reply with "Yep, they stand up all by themselves".

It's nice to be married to a woman who is so comfortable in her sexuality and our relationship.

Yankeebob said...

Nina, you sit in a walkin closet and read? Now that's a hideaway!

Doug, you are truly blessed. I wish I could say that.

Jody said...

Yep, Doug is one lucky guy. :)

For all you guys out there, it is all about security in the relationship. I've been a swimsuit model (and things skimpier) and never felt attractive enough. Now, after having a baby and having my body stretch & retract, I feel better about myself than I ever did. Direct corolation between the guys I dated then & my marriage now.

A couple of words a day, a small compliment, makes a world of difference.

Yankeebob said...

I feel the need to post this:

In my defense; This night is unusual for me. Normally I don't just blurt out thoughtless things to anyone. I had a bad night. One of those where things just pop out and you don't know they are coming.

It sure has been fun discussing it though.

Cindy-Lou said...

YB, did you just propose to me?

Yankeebob said...

I can't help myself CL. I'm a slave to my passions. ;)