Thursday, December 23, 2004

Googlism, Yeah I Finally Got Around To It

I had to delete a lot of these. Bob is a common name, after all. I'll try a different variation later.

bob is dead; long live bob - I hope.
bob is a politcal prisoner - of love
bob is king - of the Pepsi cooler
bob is slinging out a new life - this sounds cool
bob is confused - usually
bob is mel's husband - Who knew? Mel, I didn't tell anyone.
bob is available for educational speaking engagements - as soon as I get me some education
bob is back in the ball game - at second base, I hope
bob is sick? please help
bob is cool - as if you ahd to be told
bob is proud to announce - that uuhmm... something
bob is stupid - what's that mean?
bob is an atheist - not quite
bob is a swell guy - aww, shucks
bob is whack? - this is a question?
bob is well known on alt - what's alt?
bob is hott - well duh!
bob is getting a divorce - someone better tell the missus
bob is a movie about a mans struggle to find out who he - What struggle?
bob is really going to enjoy the march - The thousand Mom march.
bob is a moron - at times
bob is the machine - the sex machine
bob is love - Awww!
bob is #1 by kirkstir - thanks kirkstir
bob is scheduled to start at 5 - I've already started
bob is an idiot - at times
bob is important to me - cool. Who are you?
bob is maximum bad - Just try me!
bob is cool i like bob - Me too. Oh, thats me.
bob is an original cartoon character - he's a cute one too.
bob is forever cooler - than you
bob is swweet - lemme tell ya!
bob is a proud member of the association for josta saving - Yep, what's a josta?
bob is getting ready for a long day of fishing - no way. That won't happen.
bob is expanding - I need a diet
bob is in bloom - how pretty
bob is my hero - OK, that's more like it.
bob is 100% right - 100% of the time
bob is the one with three long tentacles - and no need of viagra
bob is cool - you already knew this
bob is a swell guy - aw, shucks!
bob is mel's husband - I swear I didn't say anything!
bob is an ineligible bachelor - how is that possible?
bob is going to the big apple - where the Yankees rule!
bob is king - of your heart
bob is an inspiration - to everyone
bob is the coolest member of pavement - concrete cranium, that's me.
bob is ready product # - I'm ready all right, but what's the number
bob is on vacation - permanent vacation
bob is an eskimo who lives with his friend alfozno in the arctic - me and the Fonz are chillin!
bob is a great and versitle actor - if I'm so good, how can you tell I'm acting?


Cindy-Lou said...

Dude, what is it with Mel stealing all my men?
These are funny, Bob! I like your personal notes too. I especially like that you're maximum bad.

grace said...

har! yours are funny!!!! love the little sidenotes! :)

merry xmas... and thanks again for the laffy taffy :D

Me said...

LOL at some of them.
I like that you are 100% right, 100% of the time. And the simple "Bob is cool. I like Bob"... oh gosh there are about 5 more I love. Too fun.
