Monday, December 13, 2004

Thanks To All

Just a quick thanks to everyone for the prayers and good vibes sent for my nephew. He made it through yesterdays rounds of surgery, less a few links of (real) backbone. The Doctor is pretty sure he won't be walking again though. He said the percentages are in the teens, meaning he has less than a 20% chance. He's a pretty determined young guy, so I won't buy into that one immediately, but some injuries can't be overcome. We'll see.

He's not anywhere near out of danger yet. The Doctor also warned us that with the sheer number and type of injuries, he could easily develop complications. We'd appreciate everyone keeping up the prayers and good thoughts for a while.


1 comment:

Me said...

Wow. What a shock to hear that you may never walk again. Let's hope he beats the odds and is as determined as you say he is.

So - how old is your nephew? How did the accident happen? Was everyone else ok???