Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Melancholy Bob

I'm feeling very melancholy today. I even have the Moody Blues song "Melancholy Man" in my head this morning. It actually started yesterday. I think the daily grind is getting to me. I started thinking yesterday how everything we do becomes a routine. We have morning routines, routines at work, evening routines. We have routines inside of the routines. Like the way you go about brushing your teeth to accomplish part of the morning routine & evening routine. That's a routine. The whole day is one big fat boring routine. It gets to me sometimes.

A few years ago I would have done something spontaneous to break the routine somehow. A needed sanity saving excursion. Can't really do that now. Too many responsibilities. Then there are other peoples feelings to be careful of. (Tell me again why being in a full time relationship is supposed to be better than being free. I'll need to hear it today.) Nope, gotta be responsible.

I even have a blogger routine. I check in at regular intervals and post something I think is interesting or leave comments (when the blogger is working). The best part is the different blogs out there. Nothing is routine in the different posts. Anything and everything can and will be discussed or laughed at or cried about. There's always a surprise. I guess that's why it's so habit forming.

Plus you can post something like this piece of poop and make yourself feel better. It's a very self indulgent forum. But it helps you to learn to care for others at the same time. (If you allow it to, that is.) For instance, I'm pretty concerned for Mel's family. She hasn't posted since she let us know about her Grandmother's stroke. And Meritt has an Uncle that's very ill. That's in my thoughts a lot. So maybe it's not just the self indulgence thing I like. Who knows?

At any rate, I'm done crying for the day. Peachy and I were talking about doing a 'post an hour' kind of thing today to see if it would help the mood. I'll try, but what could be so interesting every hour? We'll see.

Hey, thanks for listening.


peachy said...

I'm not posting every hour. I couldn't think of that many things to talk about in one day. Here's a suggestion: You can wonder why people get mad when they get fired although they were already looking for a new job. hee hee.

Me said...

Everyone has a 'down' day... everyone. Yesterday was yours.
Now, however, you've used it up. :)

Cindy-Lou said...

Hey YB, sorry you're feeling down. You know what I like to do when I'm feeling down? Listen to the Beatles. Just kidding. I watch It's a Wonderful Life and have a good cry. It works, try it. I believe it's on every five minutes?

grace said...

sorry you're down, YB :(

i'm in a pissy moody today, too...

Yankeebob said...

Thanks to all the well wishers. I appreciate the help.

I think I'll go home and listen to Eleanor Rigby for a while before I watch It's A Wonderful Life. That would help. Thanks for the tips CL.

And Veronica, I'd never call you a 'dumbass'. You're too much of a 'sweetie'. (I couldn't resist. ;))

SJ said...

I know how you feel, Bob. Sometimes stuff really gets to me too. I try not to think about it if I can, though. But if that doesn't work - one word - whiskey!